Clover Hill Primary School


Primary school admissions 2024

You can apply online for your child’s primary school place between Friday 8th September 2023 and Monday 15th January 2024.

New Reception admissions for September 2024

We are very much looking forward to meeting you and telling you all about our wonderful school. If you would like to attend one of our tours please contact the school office on 0191 4334056 to reserve your place on one of the following dates.  Please note this is for adults only.

Dates for a visit/tour

Wednesday 11th  October 4.45pm

Wednesday 22nd November 4.45pm

Wednesday 13th December 4.45pm

If you live in Gateshead apply on-line at:

Before you apply, make sure you look at the ‘Admission to Primary School’ booklet which contains important information that will help you in making your child’s application, including:

  • admission policies and oversubscription criteria for Gateshead schools
    the number of applications received, and the number of places offered for previous years.
    information on how places are offered.
  • You may want to arrange a visit to the schools you are interested in applying to before completing your application.
  • You can only complete one application form and applications must be submitted by 15 January 2024.
  • Check that all the details you enter on your on-line application form are correct, including any older siblings your child may have, already attending the school you apply to.
  • You must complete the ‘Faith Details’ section of the on-line application form if you are applying to a Catholic school.
  • You can apply for up to three schools and we recommend you use all three preferences. Applying for only one school does not improve your chance of gaining a place at this school.
  • How you rank your preferences is important and you must think carefully about the admission policy for each school you apply to and the likelihood of success.
  • We cannot guarantee that your child will be offered a place at one of your chosen schools, even if you live in the catchment area or already have another child attending the school, as this will depend on the number of applications the school receives.
  • You can check which school catchment area you live in on the Council’s website.
  • Your child’s attendance at a school or private nursery does not guarantee or increase your chances of gaining a place at your chosen school.
  • We do not keep places back at oversubscribed schools for children moving into the area after the closing date.
  • If you rank a school outside Gateshead as one or more of your preferences, you must look at the admission policy for that school before submitting your application.
    If your child is summer born (born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020) and you want to request that they are admitted outside of their normal age group, please refer to the ‘Request to defer school entry – summer born children’ page on the Council’s website.

    Requests for deferred entry must be received by 15 January 2024.
  • If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan you do not need to apply for a school place. An annual review, to which you will be invited, will be held in the Autumn term in which discussions will be held regarding your child’s primary school placement.
  • You will find out which school your child has been offered on or around 16 April 2024 via letter and email (if you apply on-line).
  • If you do not have on-line access to apply or access the ‘Admission to Primary School’ booklet, please contact The School Admissions Team for a paper copy.