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Movement is a great way to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes brisk walking can boost our mood and increase our mental alertness and energy. Movement helps us feel better about our bodies and improve self-esteem. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety and help us to sleep better. Find moments for movement every day. Life gets busy and it can feel like we dont have time to spend on activities to improve our wellbeing. But, finding moments for movement throughout the day might be easier than you think. How often do you find yourself waiting throughout the day? Waiting for the kettle to boil; for your children to come out of school; for a bus to arrive; or for a delivery. These moments can add up. If you use the time to get moving, that will add up too. You could march on the spot, do some stretches, or try some chair exercises. Give it a go! Youll be surprised how much time you can fill with movement. Set small, achievable goals When youre beginning to move more for your mental health, set yourself small goals. It might be walking to the end of your street. Then you can push yourself a little further each day. Perhaps keep a movement journal so you can track your progress and how it makes you feel. Your goals are personal to you, and as you make progress you will create positive feelings that can boost your confidence and mood. Take a break from sitting Many of us are sitting for long periods during the day: working at desks, driving, sitting down to browse the internet or scroll through social media, watching our favourite television show or reading a book. Research shows that its unhealthy to be sitting for long periods of time throughout the day, set a timer to take regular breaks to stand up, walk around and stretch your body. Find the fun! However you choose to get moving, the best option is usually the one we enjoy the most. Do you remember the joy and excitement when the school bell rang for break time? We couldnt wait to get outside to run around and play. As we get older, we sometimes forget that movement can be fun! Instead of thinking of exercise as a chore, embrace your inner child and find the joy in movement. Fun and laughter alongside movement will increase your motivation and the psychological benefits. Play games like tag with family or friends, interrupt extra-long work meetings with a bit of fun movement to give everyone an energy boost, or go for a picnic in the park and a game of rounders. If you have younger children, why not ask them to teach you their playground games and all play together? You can also teach them the games you used to play that may have fallen out of fashion like hopscotch. Connect with others We can strengthen our personal relationships or even make new friends when we take part in movement activities with other people. These social connections are also great for our mental health and wellbeing. Think about ways you can make your catchups with friends more active. Maybe, instead of meeting in a coffee shop, get your coffee to go and take a walk. Or visit your local pool and chat while having a swim. You could also use opportunities for movement to meet new people. Check out what groups and activities are taking place in your area and sign up to join in. Being part of a club or team is great way to increase your self esteem and help reduce feelings of depression, stress and anxiety. Movement looks different for everyone, dont compare yourself to others It can feel nerve-wracking to think about moving more if youre worried you cant keep up with other people. Remember, you dont have to be super sporty to get the mental health benefits that come with more movement. Focus on you and dont worry about what other people are doing. For your own wellbeing, be kind to yourself and dont feel pressured to keep up with someone else. Regardless of the form it takes, movement that gets our heart pumping and muscles moving releases the feel good hormones that reduce feelings of stress and anger. If you havent exercised in a long time or have reduced mobility, you can start off slowly. Perhaps concentrate the movement on specific parts of the body that you feel more comfortable with. A little can go a long way and the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more active youll be. Be mindful about your movement Often, we are moving without realising it. For example, when we do housework, grocery shopping, or walking to work. Try to be mindful of how you're moving, and the way it makes you feel in both your mind and body. Noticing how were breathing, the sights and sounds around us, how the air feels on our face, can help us relax and feel less stressed. Practising mindfulness can help with this. For example, you can practise mindful walking. It might feel good to do certain movements faster or slow some of them down. Try to do what feels good. And remember to recognise and celebrate your moments for movement, big and small. Moving in nature Research suggest that doing movement in an outdoor green environment has greater positive effects on our wellbeing compared to doing activity indoors. So why not take your moments for movement out in the wild? Go for a walk in the countryside or perhaps try cold water swimming at the beach. Even if you live in the city, nature is often close by. Parks, gardens, nature reserves, forests, all provide opportunities for exercise, movement and meeting new people. You could find opportunities to get moving such as a walking group, gardening club, or volunteering for woodland and park maintenance. Try something new When we are open to trying new experiences, we reap the rewards to our wellbeing. You might be inspired by watching Strictly Come Dancing but have been too shy to try your local dance classes. Give it a whirl! Pushing ourselves to try new things opens us up to new opportunities for movement, making new friends and having fun. Having the courage to try something new will also give your confidence a boost. If you dont try, youll never know! Plan things to look forward to We know having events and plans in the diary to forward to, is great for mental health, it can give a sense of hope and excitement for the future. Add moments for movement to your diary and make plans to do fun things that you can get excited about. This could be planning a family outing for a walk in a new place you havent been to before, joining a club or class that you can look forward to every week, or a night out dancing with friends. Listen to music that gets you moving. Some songs are just made for moving. We all have favourite tunes that get us on the dance floor. So, turn up the volume and have a living room disco where you can dance like no ones watching! Why not play your favourite song when you get up in the morning, dance around and put yourself in a good mood for the day ahead. Be kind to yourself, moving more is self-care. It can be hard to get yourself up and active if your mental health is poor. The days when you lack in motivation or are feeling low are likely when youll see the biggest boost to your mood by getting moving. Think of moving more as an act of self-care that will help you to feel good. Don't forget to rest. Taking time to rest is important for good mental health, especially if youve been using up a lot of energy. Try to prioritise time for rest and establish a regular, relaxing routine that lets you unwind and sends a signal to your brain that it's time to rest. Celebrate your achievements. Well done! Congratulate yourself for taking care of your body and mind. Make sure to reward yourself too, perhaps a nice bubble bath after a walk in the park or something else that you enjoy. Appreciation is a powerful way of generating positive thoughts and feelings. Recognising our progress is an important part of moving for our mental health! Good luck and embrace the lovely Spring/Summer opportunities.     Clover Hill is a safeguarding school. Please remember that any photos or videos captured whilst attending school events are for private use only, they cannot be posted onto any public social media sites.  Clover Hill Community Primary School Glenhurst Drive, Whickham, NE16 5SJ 0191 433 4056 Email: cloverhillprimary@gateshead.gov.uk Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.cloverhillprimary.org" www.cloverhillprimary.org Headteachers: Louise C Hall (BA Hons) Ailsa Holden (BA Hons)  EMBED MS_ClipArt_Gallery    %FGHǬx\J<.<.hi&dCJOJPJQJaJhCJOJPJQJaJ"hhhh5OJPJQJ\aJ7hhhh5@B*OJQJ\^JaJnH ph777tH 1h5@B*OJQJ\^JaJnH ph777tH 5h5@B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph777tH 5hh5@B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph777tH  hhh-hh*jh-CJOJQJUmHnHtH ujh-UmHnHuh-CJOJQJ GHz _ $pq$(gdgdh$$@&a$Q R y z ^ _  #$opq{|$ǻǯ|||ǻǻpp|ǻǻpp|hCJOJQJaJhh5CJOJQJ\aJ"hhhh5CJOJQJ\aJ"hhh5CJOJQJ\aJhi&dCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJPJQJaJh^ CJOJPJQJaJhCJOJPJQJaJ)+.;"#$X'(KSbc12  о误误裟诐ܯ诟误诣hhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJ"hhh5CJOJQJ\aJhCJOJQJaJhi&dCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJh-CJOJQJaJ82 J!K!"""?#@#r$s$[&&&&'((()**L* I!J!K!"""""S"<#?#@#$r$s$$$%Z&[&s&&&&&&&''"('(((((ʸymmyhsoCJOJQJaJ"hsoh5CJOJQJ\aJ"hhh5CJOJQJ\aJhCJOJQJaJhhhCJOJQJaJ"hhhh5CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJ%((((<)O)_)))**@*J*K*L*j+k+l+|++++,,,,,,,g-h-....B.C.D.ӻӻǩ߻߻l$jh"^h <CJOJQJU/hhi&d5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph#hi&dB*CJOJQJ^JaJph"hsoh5CJOJQJ\aJhCJOJQJaJhi&dCJOJQJaJhsoCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJ"hsoh5CJOJQJ\aJ%L*k+l++,,,h-...E.G.H.J.K.M.N.P.Q.R. /"/#/$/I/n//$a$^D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S./ /!/"/#/$/I/n///////Ľ۝}o\o$h-56B*OJQJ\^Jphh-B*OJQJ^Jphh-OJQJ^Jh-56OJQJ\^Jh-OJQJh-5CJ$\!jh-5UmHnHtH u h-CJ h-5CJ%jh-5CJUmHnHsH uh-h jh U/hh5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph//00+0E0F0G0H0O0P0Q0p0q0r0s0 ^` ^` p^p`//////0000000+0.0:0E0F0G0H0O0P0Q0R0l0ۯxbQ!h-CJOJQJmHnHtH u*jh-CJOJQJUmHnHtH uh-CJ OJQJh- h-6CJh-6CJ^Jh-56CJOJQJ\h-6CJOJQJh-5CJOJQJ\]h-0JB*OJQJ^Jphh-B*OJQJ^Jphh-6B*OJQJ^Jph'jh-6B*OJQJU^Jphl0m0n0o0p0q0r0s0ѻ/hh5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphh h-*jh-CJOJQJUmHnHtH u*j h-CJOJQJUmHnHtH u0jof h-CJOJQJUVmHnHtH u0&P 1F. 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L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PL^P`LhH.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`OJPJQJ^Jo(-^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHop^p`OJ QJ o(hH@ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHo^`OJ QJ o(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHoP^P`OJ QJ o(hH^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.808^8`0o(^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`. Gateshead M.B.CE2&  Title Headings 8@ _PID_HLINKSA| O"http://www.cloverhillprimary.org/0c    2 0c  --- 2 0c   2 Bc  @BComic Sans MS---@BComic Sans MS------------ 777&2 0c  7772 c --- 777=2 !cMental Health Awareness Week 2024          777 2 c  @BComic Sans MS---  2 0c  @BComic Sans MS--- a2 09cMental Health Awareness Week 2024 will take place from 13         2 cth   2 c  2 cto 19  2 cth   2 (c  )2 -cMay on the theme of      P2 30.cMovement: Moving more for our mental health.          2 3c   2 R0`cMovement is important for our mental health. But so many of us struggle to move enough. We know             >2 g0"cthere are many different reasons f     2 g*co g2 g2=cr this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week we want to help            2 {0ecpeople to find moments for movement in their daily routines. Going for a walk in your neighbourhood,               2 0`cputting on your favourite music and dancing around the living room, chair exercises when youre            )2 0cwatching television    2 c  2 c  "2 cit all counts!   2 !c  @BComic Sans MS- - -  2 0bcOne of the most important things we can do to help protect our mental health is regular movement.               2 0acOur bodies and our minds are connected. Looking after ourselves physically also helps us prevent           =2 0!cproblems with our mental health.          2 c   2 0fcMovement is a great way to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes brisk walking can               2 0acboost our mood and increase our mental alertness and energy. Movement helps us feel better about             42 40cour bodies and improve self      2 4c- w2 4Hcesteem. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety and help us to sleep          2 I0cbetter.   2 Igc  ---- - - ------ 22 h0cFind moments for movement       2 hcevery  2 h+c  2 h2cday   2 hKc.  2 hRc  2 hY_c  - - -  2 |0hcLife gets busy and it can feel like we dont have time to spend on activities to improve our wellbeing.             2 0UcBut, finding moments for movement throughout the day might be easier than you think.                 2 c   2 0fcHow often do you find yourself waiting throughout the day? Waiting for the kettle to boil; for your             2 0ecchildren to come out of school; for a bus to arrive; or for a delivery. These moments can add up. If             2 0fcyou use the time to get moving, that will add up too. You could march on the spot, do some stretches,                 72 0cor try some chair exercises.      2 c   |2 0KcGive it a go! Youll be surprised how much time you can fill with movement.               2 ;c    2 0c  ---- - - ------ 2 0 cSet small,    2 zc  #2 cachievable goals  - - -   2 c  2 }c  2 jc   2 40acWhen youre beginning to move more for your mental health, set yourself small goals. It might be              2 H0Ycwalking to the end of your street. Then you can push yourself a little further each day.          2 Hc   2 ]0_cPerhaps keep a movement journal so you can track your progress and how it makes you feel. Your           2 q0ecgoals are personal to you, and as you make progress you will create positive feelings that can boost        12 0cyour confidence and mood.      2 c    2 0c  ---- - - ------ 22 0cTake a break from sitting    2 _c  - - -  2 0ccMany of us are sitting for long periods during the day: working at desks, driving, sitting down to            2 0fcbrowse the internet or scroll through social media, watching our favourite television show or reading              2 0ca book.   2 bc   \2 06cResearch shows that its unhealthy to be sitting for l         2 cong  2 c  J2 *cperiods of time throughout the day, set a         2 0Mctimer to take regular breaks to stand up, walk around and stretch your body.            2 Vc  - - %9- -  '- - %@- -  '- - .  @BComic Sans MS-  .--^$-EIOY|nqZgS`TBxETlrgXPKMSUXey}{zzsl`YTQPKFEEٙ-"$tgYRMKNPT]jsztt<$~}{y~~:$~}|z{}J$#Wmy~wtqppnmkkjjgifhdeac_`]]ZYWVQRWWR$'EKU~_~h~s~ytrpomljigedba^]\[XXTUQSNPLNJLGEE$B[SQXM_Kf@n;v;~?ETcVMVam`WOZdl]|V|N{^zf{o|`xTwLvcuOs]rQpWoOmRjPh[mfqpwrumtoqlpooinmlfkkiailf_fjd]cia]_i^a\i\dXgV`S[S[S- $DDGKPRUZbfiklopqsuvxyy|~zwtqoligdb_^ZXXVTOKJKMOQSUXZ]`cehknqvx{ywusqoljgeca^\ZXVTPLMPRRSTVWY[]_bdgilnquwy|}~}|{{zzxwvrpmjea[XVUTROKIHGGHIOW_i~s|q{oyjxgvdtar^p\mYjWgUbT^UUXR[O_MfKiIkFmCo?t=y=}>@CGJRapnlfZGC@<:8x9u;r=o@lCjGgJ_L[MYOWQUSTVSXR]QbQlUpXs\u_xb{i|_~UQOMKIGFDDN$%VXZ]_acegikmoquy~}ywtrpnljheca_[VVV:$QhUjZl_ncphrmtqwu{y~{wt|rypxnvlujtgrcp_o[nWlTjPhQhQh6$~~~~- - - - - '- ''- -$- - '%@BComic Sans MS- - -  A2 ?$%Clover Hill Community Primary School          2 ?%  @BComic Sans MS--- @2 U#%Glenhurst Drive, Whickham, NE16 5SJ       2 U% /  2 U%    2 g%0191 433 4056   2 gO% /  2 g~% 0  2 g%  @BComic Sans MS--------------- 2 z%Email: --- 2 z%  @2 z#%cloverhillprimary@gateshead.gov.uk     2 z%  --------------- 2 %Website:---  2 %  12 %www.cloverhillprimary.org  ---  2 % @@Comic Sans MS---- @ !-  ---  2 %  ---@BComic Sans MS------------------ 2 %Headteachers: ---  2 J% --- 2 Q %Louise C Hall ---  2 %  2  %(BA Hons)     2 %  ------------  2 %   2 % ,  2 % 0--- 2 N %Ailsa Holden  ---  2 %  2  %(BA Hons)    2 %  @"Arial---  2 ~%    2 ~%    2 N%  ---  2 % 0  2 % 0  2 N% 0  2 ~% 0  2 % 0  2 % 0  2 %  @BComic Sans MS---  2 %  '"Arial--ccbbaaMsoDataStore 05~K05~KBFFEI0MQJ==205~K05~KItem GPropertiesLU SelectedStyle="\APA.XSL" StyleName="APA" xmlns:b="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/bibliography" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/bibliography">   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qL^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.TV^T`VOJQJo(phhH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHo^`OJ QJ o(hH ^ `OJQJo(hHf ^f `OJ QJ ^J o(hHo6^6`OJ QJ o(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHo^`OJ QJ o(hH^`OJPJQJ^Jo(^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHop^p`OJ QJ o(hH@ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHo^`OJ QJ o(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJ QJ ^J o(hHoP^P`OJ QJ o(hH"{r]:B[P%:r7!Vj/,-j