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Purpose of Disposal Schedule This disposal schedule identifies the disposal arrangements for all records created by Clover Hill Primary School. Any records in C2K MIS System (SIMS) are being managed by C2K SIMS. Minimum retention periods for these records in SIMS are being adhered to. It is not necessary for schools to delete specific items of data from the SIMS system at this time. 3. Categories of Disposal ( Destruction ( Review ( Permanent preservation Section 2 Operation of this Disposal of Records Schedule 1. Close Manual records should be closed as soon as they have ceased to be of active use other than for reference purposes. When a file is due to be closed the appropriate member of staff should consult the disposal schedule and mark the front cover of the file, indicating the date on which the file can be destroyed, or whether it should be subject to the normal review procedures. Closing a file simply means that no further papers can be added but the file can be used for reference. 2. Minimum Retention Period The minimum retention period required for each type of record is calculated from the point the file/record is closed. 3. Destroy Where the disposal action is Destroy the records should be kept for the period stated and then destroyed by the school in accordance with the directions on recycling and shredding. A record must be maintained of the files that have been destroyed. 4. Review Where the disposal action is Normal Review the file will be subject to the normal review processes. The First Review of the file takes place 5 years from the date of the last paper on the file and should not be later than 10 years from the opening of the file. Records of long-term administrative use need not be brought forward for the First Review. This will be initiated by an appropriate official at the discretion of the school. The review procedures are as follows: - A member of staff should carry out a first review of each file based solely on its administrative value. The reviewing officer should keep a record of files that he/she wishes to keep for administrative purposes. This first review monitoring procedure will help to ensure that all types of files or file series have been covered in the disposal schedule or, if such files have been created since the disposal schedule was established, they can be added to a revised schedule. 5. Permanent Preservation Where the disposal action is Permanent Preservation the records are exempt from the normal review procedures. In some cases the Public Record Office will seek transfer of files that are marked for permanent preservation. 6. Commitment to preserving files/records Clover Hill Primary School declares that it will take measures to ensure that the records it creates will be physically well maintained and cared for while they are in its custody (i.e. until either destroyed or retained for permanent preservation). 7. Roles and Responsibilities The School Head is responsible for ensuring that records and information systems in their areas conform to this policy and to the requirements of legislation. All staff are responsible for documenting their actions and decisions in the records and for maintaining the records in accordance with good records management practice. The role of the DPO is to ensure compliance with Records Management standards within their area of responsibility, and to co-ordinate activities aimed at ensuring that information is recorded, stored, managed and disposed of both effectively and legally. Section 3 Definitions of Records held by Clover Hill Primary School in respect of each of its Functional Business Areas. There are six main functional business areas for which Clover Hill Primary School keeps records as follows: 1. Management and Organisation 2. Legislation & Guidance 3. Pupils 4. Staff 5. Finance 6. Health & Safety The records contained within these functional areas provide evidence and information about its business activities that are important for the efficient operation of the school. Management and Organisation This category includes the main records which the School holds in relation to the management and organisation of the school. Typical records would include the minutes of the Board of Governors, the Senior Management Team and Parent/Teachers Association meetings which record the major decision making processes of the school. Also included are records detailing development, planning and curriculum policies as well as those that demonstrate how the school reports to its parents and other organisations. Records include the School Development Plan, the School Prospectus, Curriculum policies, Annual Report, Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Plan along with the records of meetings, minutes, and policies documenting the decisions and actions taken within this business function. 2. Legislation and Guidance from DFE Files maintained under this heading contain papers relating to legislation e.g. the Circulars, Guidance and Bulletins from the Department of Education etc. Correspondence in connection with Statistical Returns and documents relating to Dept of Education Inspections and Reports. 3. Pupils Pupil Files contain vitally important records which, not only, capture the progress of the student throughout their time at the school, but also document their personal details and information beneficial to their well being within the school environment. Such records would include Admission Data, Attendance of the pupils at the school, Timetables and Class Groupings, Education/Progress Reports of pupils, Special Education Needs documentation, Child Protection information, Disciplinary Action taken, Examination Results, Careers Advice, School Trips details and Medical Records (details of medical conditions where medicines are required to be administered at school). 4. Staff Records in this category refer to be those required for the Human Resources Management function within the school. These include Staff Personnel records (recruitment, interview notes, appointments, training, staff development etc), Staff Salary Records, Staff Induction, Sickness Records, Staff Performance Review, Substitute Teacher Records and Student Teachers on Teaching Practice etc. 5. Finance This business function within the school maintains records for a range of finance activities such as Annual Budgets, Budget Monitoring, Annual Statement of Accounts, Procurement, Tender Information and Prices, Reconciliation of Invoices, Audit Reports etc. 6. Health & Safety The health and safety of children and staff are of paramount importance in the school and such records to support this are kept e.g. Accident/Incident Book, Legal/Accident/Incident Forms, Risk Assessments, Fire Procedure, CCTV, Security System Files, Health and Safety Policy Statement. SECTION 4 - SCHOOL DISPOSAL SCHEDULE 1. Management & Organisation RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionBoard of Governors general correspondenceClose at end of current school yearPermanentPermanent PreservationBOG Meetings Minutes (master)Close at end of current school yearPermanentArchiveBOG Meetings Minutes (inspection copies held by individuals)Close at end of current school yearDate of meeting + 3 yearsDestroySenior Management Team-Meeting MinutesClose at end of current school yearDate of meeting + 5 yearsDestroyStaff Meeting Minutes Close at end of current school yearNormal ReviewDetermination on ReviewSchool Development PlanRetain whilst valid close when supersededClosure + 6 yearsDestroyCurriculum Policies etcUntil supersededKeep 1 copy of previous policies and destroy all others Policy Statements (Data Protection, Internet, Health & Safety, Child Protection, Equality etc)Review regularly & retain latest version Older versions: date of expiry + 1 yearDestroyPTA minutes and general correspondence Close at end of current school yearNormal ReviewDetermine on ReviewVisitors BookClose at end of current school yearEnd of current year + 2 yearsArchiveCirculars to Staff, Parents and PupilsClose at end of current school yearEnd of current year + 2 yearsDestroy ProspectusIssued every academic year6 yearsDestroyComments/ComplaintsClose at end of current school year Date of resolution of complaint + 6 yearsArchiveAnnual ReportIssued every academic yearDate of Report + 10 yearsPermanent PreservationSchool FundClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroyCopyrightDuring validityELBs may hold actual licencesEmergency Planning/Business Continuity PlanUntil supersededDestroy Legislation and Guidance from DFE RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionEducation (NI) OrderUntil superseded DestroyCirculars, Guidance, Bulletins from DFEDuring validityDestroyCorrespondence re: Statistical Returns to DFE6 school years DestroyDFE Reports, Ofsted InspectionsNormal ReviewPermanent Preservation 3. Pupils RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionPupil Admission DataClose when register ceases to be used10 years from date Register ceased to be usedDestroyApplications for enrolmentClose at end of school year in which application received3 years after enrolmentDestroyPupil Attendance RegistersClose when register ceases to be usedDate of Register + 3 YearsOffer for Permanent PreservationPupil Education Records - School/Progress Reports etcClose when pupil leaves schoolUntil pupil is 22 years oldDestroySpecial Education NeedsClose when pupil leaves schoolUntil Pupil is 25 years oldDestroyChild ProtectionRetain in secure, confidential storage Normal ReviewPermanent PreservationDisciplinary Action (Suspension/Expulsion)/Offences bullyingClose when pupil leaves schoolUntil pupil is 22 years oldDestroyTimetables + Class GroupingsCurrent School year + 1 YearDestroyExamination ResultsClose at end of current academic yearCurrent School Year + 6 yearsDestroyCareers Advice Close at end of current academic year6 yearsDestroySchool Meals returnsClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroyFree Meals registersClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroySchool Trips Financial & Administration detailsClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroySchool Trips-Attendance/Staff Supervision etcClose on completion of trip8 yearsDestroyDrug AbuseGeneral reference material keep whilst valid.Destroy when supersededReports of Stolen/Damaged Items Close at end of current academic year7 yearsDestroyMedical Records records of pupils with medical conditions and details for the administration of drugs when necessary.Close when pupil leaves schoolUntil pupil is 22years old or in the case of a Special Needs pupil, until 25 years oldDestroy 4. Staff RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionStaff Personnel Records (including recruitment, interview notes, appointment details, training, staff development etc.)Close when member of staff leaves schoolDuring validity +7 years after leaving employmentDestroyStaff Salary RecordsClose at end of current financial yearLast Day of Employment + 85 YearsArchive For Pension purposesStaff Sickness Records (copies of Medical Certs)Close at end of current academic yearCurrent academic year + 6 yearsDestroySubstitute Teacher RecordsClose at end of current academic yearCurrent academic year + 6 yearsDestroySubstitute Staff Records-non teaching (cover for nursery assistants)Close at end of current academic year Current academic year + 6 yearsDestroyStudent Records-non teaching (e.g. nursery assistant students & pupils from schools on work experience)Close at end of current academic yearCurrent academic year + 6 yearsDestroyStudent Teachers on Teaching Practice student teacher progressClose at end of current academic yearCurrent academic year + 6 yearsDestroyProcedures for Induction of StaffUntil supersededDestroyStaff/Teachers Attendance RecordsClose after leaving employment7 years after leavingDestroyStaff Performance ReviewClose at end of review period coveredDuring validity + 15 yearsDestroy 5. Finance RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionAnnual BudgetClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroyBudget MonitoringClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 3 yearsDestroyAnnual Statement of Accounts (Outturn Statement)Close at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsArchiveOrder Books, Invoices, Bank Records, Cash Books, Till Rolls, Lodgement books etcClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroyPostage BookClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroyPurchasing Tender Information & PricesUntil supersededDestroy contract schedules when they expire.Audit ReportsClose at end of current financial yearCurrent financial year + 6 yearsDestroy 6. Health & Safety RecordFile ActionMinimum Retention PeriodAction After RetentionAccident / Incident BookClose after last entry in bookDate of closure + 12 yearsDestroyLegal /Accident/Incident FormsUntil pupil is at least 22 years old or in the case of an adult 4 years from the date of the accidentDestroyRisk Assessments work experience locations/pupils7 yearsDestroyH & S Reports Current Year + 20 yearsDestroyFire ProcedureUntil supersededRetain copies of earlier versions Security System File For the life of the systemDestroyHS Policy StatementDate of expiry + 1 Year Destroy  Appendix B Records Management Policy The School recognises that the efficient management of its records is necessary to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the institution. This document provides the policy framework through which this effective management can be achieved and audited. It covers: Scope Responsibilities Relationships with existing policies 1 Scope of the policy This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by staff of the school in the course of carrying out its functions. 1.2 Records are defined as all those documents which facilitate the business carried out by the school and which are thereafter retained (for a set period) to provide evidence of its transactions or activities. These records may be created, received or maintained in hard copy or electronically. 1.3 A small percentage of the schools records will be selected for permanent preservation as part of the institutions archives and for historical research. 2 Responsibilities 2.1 The school has a corporate responsibility to maintain its records and record keeping systems in accordance with the regulatory environment. The person with overall responsibility for this policy is the Head of the School. 2.2 The person responsible for records management in the school will give guidance for good records management practice and will promote compliance with this policy so that information will be retrieved easily, appropriately and timely. 2.3 Individual staff and employees must ensure that records for which they are responsible are accurate, and are maintained and disposed of in accordance with the schools records management guidelines. 3 This policy has been drawn up within the context of: The Freedom of Information Act 2000 The Data Protection Act 2018 and other legislation or regulations (including audit, equal opportunities and ethics) affecting the school.     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