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Prepare children for secondary school and their future life as responsible adults. Investigate and prevent any form of bullying. Headteacher Signatures: Louise C Hall and Ailsa Holden Date: 9th September 2023 Parents / Guardians I / We shall: Make sure my child arrives at school on time by 8:55a.m. Make sure my child attends regularly and inform the school to explain any absence. Engage in Parent Consultation Autumn/Spring Term discussions Support the schools homework programme. Support the schools high expectations, policies, and guidelines for behaviour. Support the policy for school uniform and standards of appearance. Inform the school if there are any problems that might affect my childs work or well-being. Ensure my child uses technology safely and sensibly and make regular checks on their accounts. Ensure photographs or videos captured whilst attending school events are not posted to any public social media sites. ADHERE TO THE SIGNED ICT ACCEPTABLE USER POLICY The Pupil I shall: Go to school regularly and on time. Wear the full school uniform. Always do my best. Do my homework and hand it in on the correct day. Be polite, show respect to everyone and always tell the truth. Be considerate and caring about the feelings of others. Follow the school rules. Take care of the school buildings, grounds, and equipment. Take responsibility for my own actions. Be aware of my environment and community. Talk to my teacher if something is worrying me. Clover Hill Primary School Home-School Agreement September 2023  EMBED MS_ClipArt_Gallery  #$  7 ] |  < X Z ³|s|s|j|s|j|j|j|s|^Oh NhB* CJ\phPhDTB* CJ\phPhE05CJ\h:5CJ\h5CJ\h Nh5B* CJ\phPh Nh5B* CJphPh Nh5B* CJphPh Nh b5B* CJphP4jh Nh5B* CJUmHnHphPtH u4jh Nh5B* CJUmHnHphPsH u hE05CJ$sP J ~ = l H I M ] ^   & Fgdq^ & F$a$gd $^a$gd-R       ) * - 1 3 4 6 D E F G I L M ^ įtdUIBBB hqCJ\hA:B*CJ\phhYh*4B*CJ\phhYh*4B*CJH*\phh. B*CJ\ph h*4CJ\ h. CJ\h. h. 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