Clover Hill Primary School

Clover Hill Aims and Ethos

Clover Hill Vision

At the heart of Clover Hill Community Primary School lies a learning community that embraces opportunity and allows every child to

 'Reach for the Stars and Shine'

At Clover Hill, we truly thrive on supporting our children to reach their full potential, ensuring they are confident, happy and respectful individuals who have a thirst for knowledge and a true passion to succeed. 

We only have three golden rules for our children to follow:


We are READY...

uTo learn  uTo work hard  uTo try our best  uTo try new things  uTo imagine  uTo be a good friend  uTo wear our school uniform  uHave all our equipment to work  uFor the next stage in our education


uOf each other’s views and opinions – understand others  uOf property  uOf the school building uIn the way we speak and act


uTo work hard  uTo try our best uTo never give up  uTo try new things  uTo look after each other  uTo look after the school grounds and buildings

These rules are linked to our Clover Hill Learning Values - the Secrets of Success!  If we follow these rules and use the Secrets to Success then we can all 'REACH FOR THE STARS AND SHINE'.

Clover Hill Learning Values - the 'Secrets to Success'!

Staff and governors worked together to decide on a set of value principles that we seek to promote to further develop our children’s understanding of the characteristics of effective learning. We aim to ensure children are better equipped to accurately assess themselves as learners and set pertinent goals for self-improvement.

If you never try, you might never find things you are successful at. 

We need to teach our children that whatever they choose to do in life – they do it to the very best of their ability. 

Children need to tune out distractions and learn to focus their attention on all the right things. 

Life isn’t easy. There will always be self doubts and barriers - we need to teach our children to push past them and never give up. 

We all need new ideas to help us to move on and progress. Inventions have revolutionised the world!

Learning is not just about being taught something it’s about using it again and again getting better at it each time.

To be successful you need to communicate and cooperate with others. 

We teach our children about resilience - it is a tough world but they need to be tested to see where they went wrong, how to improve and bounce back!

Our School Aims


  • To provide a welcoming, happy, safe, purposeful, energised and vibrant environment;
  • To create an open, honest, self-reflective and respectful culture;
  • To embed Clover Hill learning values: try new things, work hard, concentrate, push yourself, imagine, improve, understand others, never give up.
  • To promote inspiration – fostering aspiration, creating and seizing opportunities ;
  • To maximise potential – celebrating success and investing in the future of every child.


  • To provide decisive strategic direction in realising vision;
  • To share accountability in performance delivery;
  • To lead, motivate and develop a team with capacity for succession;
  • To embrace a culture of innovation and change.


  • To maintain outstanding educational standards;
  • To promote aspiration and engagement through our learning values;
  • To demonstrate continuous improvement through self-evaluation and feedback;
  • To provide challenge and support through personal development.


  • To work in partnership with the community;
  • To maintain our established traditions yet synonymous being forward-thinking and for outward-looking;
  • To maintain a strong school brand which is recognisable and synonymous with pride and success.


  • To nurture a proactive and open-minded approach to collaboration with a wide-range of partners;
  • To encourage active learning, jointly supporting and developing independence and skills required to be prepared for the next stage(s) of our lives.

We have a commitment to ensuring our children are:


Clover Hill Primary School reflects true British values in all that we do. We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, as well as in our local community and the wider world.

British Values

The breadth and balance of our curriculum and ethos promotes life in modern Britain. We work hard to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and the world. Our PSHCRE and SMSC work adds a valuable dimension to all of this work.

  • Social responsibility
  • Family Values
  • Freedom of speech – choices
  • Helping those in need – supporting charities
  • Heritage and traditions
  • Tolerance – embracing differences
  • Equality-inclusion
  • Law and Order
  • Democracy
  • Monarchy


  • We teach pupils how they can influence decision making through the democratic process by giving them opportunities to vote on key decisions that affect them. For example, pupils select pupil voice representatives for our School Council through a democratic vote.
  • Pupil voice extends to the whole school when we play an active part in improvements to our community.
  • We model how a perceived injustice can be challenged peacefully through adult interactions with pupils, use of our behaviour policy and through discussions of pertinent scenarios in class and assemblies.
  • Children are given the opportunity to feedback to school leaders through annual pupil questionnaires.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • Our RE curriculum provides rich opportunities for children to learn about and develop an appreciation of the principles and beliefs of those of different faiths around the world. Learning is often supplemented by visitors to our school who follow these faiths and through our assembly themes which are linked to the key festivals of different faiths.
  • We pride ourselves on modelling positive relationships for our children.
  • Children actively support a wide range of different charities- not only through fundraising but a real appreciation of the work the charity is needed to do.
  • Our children get involved in a wide range of activities to support and appreciate the older generations in our community: Poppy Parade, Singing at a local nursing home, inviting Castle Close to watch our nativity.
  • Our children are inherently tolerant and respectful of each other and adults in our school. They are polite; they are self-sufficient when solving minor disputes and they give unending support to each other. (This is often evident in the care and concern they show to each other when they are upset or ill).
  • We challenge any prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour through discussion and use of illustrative material in assemblies and lessons.
  • We discuss the differences between people and their beliefs – for example, differences in faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and difference in family situation – through our RE and PSHE lessons and our broader curriculum work. In this, we seek to enhance our pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally and racially diverse society.

The Rule of Law

  • We firmly establish how pupils can distinguish between right and wrong, both through everyday interactions with pupils as well as in sharing stories, fables and other literary materials used in PSHE and literacy.
  • We help children to respect the law and the basis on which it is made by showing how rules help communities to operate safely and fairly as well as protecting the most vulnerable in our society.
  • Children develop their own code of conduct through their Class Charters which are based on the UNICEF Rights of the Child. These detail both their rights and responsibilities in operating within the code they have devised.
  • Children adhere to many key school policies, respecting their purpose in ensuring they remain safe and happy in school (e.g. behaviour policy, health and safety policy, attendance policy).

Individual Liberty

  • We implement a strong anti-bullying message and hold a themed anti-bullying week every year.
  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms safely – for example, through our E-Safety lessons in computing and in PSHE lessons.
  • We challenge stereotypes through our assembly themes
  • We aim to provide children with the freedom to make certain choices and take self-chosen opportunities at school