Clover Hill Primary School

Spring 2 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term. We hope you all had a good break and that your children are ready for all the fun we have in store for them.

You will find an overview of the activities we are aiming to be involved in over the coming half term below.  We will also be encouraging the children to lead their learning by planning in additional activities that follow the children’s current interests.

Our P.E. sessions continue be each Wednesday with daily opportunities for outdoor play.  Please can we remind you to ensure long hair is tied back. 

Reading - We are really pleased with how well the children are progressing with their reading.  Please remember to write a brief comment in the Home Links book each time your child reads their school book at home and send Home Links books into school each day. Books will be changed each Friday when there are three separate comments in the Home Links book.  It is incredibly important for children to get into the routine of reading regularly  as the most successful readers are those who read often.  There are videos explaining the importance of the “Three Reads” on our website.  Please try and class reads that children do with school staff as “extras”.  Please also encourage your child to work along with Mrs Gamble in our “Phonics Recap” video which is posted on Seesaw each Friday.

We will be holding our parents evenings on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th April.  Appointments will be available to book via Arbor, we will let you know when booking opens.

Take it Outside Day will be on Thursday 10th April, children can wear their own clothes on this day as we will be spending much of the day outside.

Amazing Animals

Introduce the names of the continents, look at a globe and a world map. 

Week 1—After the Storm

Locate UK on a map and globe, animals indigenous to the UK.

Week 2 Little Beaver and the Echo

Locate Canada on a map and globe, animals indigenous to Canada, make bird cake. 

Week 3—In Arctic Waters

Locate the polar regions on a map and globe, animals indigenous to these areas, Investigate freezing and thawing. 

Week 4 Handa’s Surprise

Locate Kenya on a map and globe, animals indigenous to Kenya, tasting unusual fruits, making fruit salad.

Week 5– Rainbow Bird

Locate Australia  on a map and globe, animals indigenous to Australia, dot paintings.

Week 6— We’re Roaming in the Rainforest

Locate Brazil on a map and globe, animals indigenous to Brazil.


The Easter Story, Easter art and craft activities. 


Counting on and back to 20, addition and subtraction,  rapid recall of pairs of numbers that make 5, exploring pairs of numbers that make 10, counting in 2s—odd and even numbers, sharing into equal groups, doubling, comparison of numbers, partitioning numbers in different ways 6=3+3 or 6=2+2+2,  working out the difference between numbers. 

PD – Gym- large apparatus,balancing/rolling/movement sequences

EAD – Drawing/ collage/ painting/ colour mixing

French – Greetings, songs, numbers to 10

Music—Singing and adding percussion instruments

Please see one of the team with any queries.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Gamble and Mrs Johnson