Clover Hill Primary School

Physical Education

Subject Overview

Long Term Memory 

PE skills are taught, consolidated and reinforced on a twice weekly basis in lessons as well as 30 minutes ‘active time’ per day. They are built up and developed as the child moves through school.  


Real Life Relevance 

PE is taught as an essential life skill. We want the children see the real-life relevance of PE and have the competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school. We want children to understand that being physically active can have a positive effect on their mental health and wellbeing as well as their physical health 


Enquiry-Based Learning 

We encourage the children to ask questions about their own physical activity, for example What skills can we use in this situation? What makes a good defender? How could I improve? 


At Clover Hill we’d like children to: 

  • To provide children with the best possible physical activity experiences regardless of race, age, ability or location, so as to encourage a lifelong healthy lifestyle pattern; 
  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities 
  • be physically active for sustained periods of time improving their own physical fitness 
  • engage in competitive sports and activities and take part in sporting festivals and celebrate their achievements 
  • lead healthy, active lives that lead to life-long participation in sport 
  • ensure that all children have the knowledge, skills, determination and motivation to be physically and mentally healthy 
  • embed the culture and enjoyment of sport and physical activity 
  • develop team work skills 
  • to gain an understanding of rules and develop ‘sportsman-like’ behaviour, embedding values such as fairness and respect 
  • develop their ability and agility through practice  
  • learn to evaluate their own performance and strive to achieve their personal best 
  • To provide 30 minutes and up to several hours every day of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity; including active lunch times 
  • To develop the ‘whole child’ using PE to develop social, emotional, cognitive and well-being skills 


At Clover Hill we strive to ensure all children are provided with at least 2 hours of time tabled PE lessons per week. The National Curriculum provides us with guidelines that must be followed in order for our children to become physically confident, healthy individuals.  In order to implement the skills addressed in the National Curriculum we have developed a scheme with the help of ‘Complete PE’ that focuses on mastering a Physical activity and education. It aims to repeat and revisit skills year by year to allow children to build on previous learning; each basic skill is revisited in increasingly challenging situations throughout the school, building on the year group before in a layered approach to commit it to long term memory. As well as this it allows time for self and peer evaluation as well as competitive aspects with others and themselves. In addition to this, we use the Yoga At Schools programme to develop skills such as concentration, rule following, decision making, participation, leadership, turn taking and developing a calm, positive mindset. Also, we have in place a Cross Curricular Orienteering scheme to provide outdoor adventurous activity both in PE, with links to other curriculum areas. 

We aim to provide a range of sports that appeal to every child from gifted and talented to less able, those who like competitive sports and those who don’t therefore we have provided alternative non-competitive coaches in sports like gymnastics and fencing. 

Our use of the personal best program, allows children to compete with themselves and strive to improve a skill over the course of unit allowing children to work at their own pace while still achieving a personal best. 

We aim to create a sporting culture and a love for sport at Clover Hill therefore PE is not refined to lesson time only. Sporting afterschool clubs are available every night of the week to allow children to part take in at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. Children participate in active lunch times where competitive and non-competitive sports are available for all. As well as this, all children complete the Daily Mile every lunch time in KS2 and during afternoon breaks in KS1. 

We provide swimming lessons weekly for KS2 children to ensure that all children can swim at least 25 metres by the time they leave Clover Hill as well as gain many other badges. 

As well as school based after school clubs, we aim to create opportunities for our children to continue their physical education outside of school and we have created links with a range of sports clubs in the local to encourage our children to attend further sessions away from school. We currently have links with NUFC, Kensho Karate, Kelly’s Irish Dancing, Whickham Cricket Club and Gateshead Tennis club. 

To ensure sport is of high profile in school we regularly have sporting themed days with sporting visitors , our most recent being Craig Heap (GB Olympic gymnast). For example, we have had a range of Olympic athletes that have delivered inspirational talks to our children to instil self-belief, a ‘can do’ attitude and remind them of the Olympic values we follow in school. These talks have been followed by a day of coaching by the athlete to add excitement and to inspire the children to have a go. We also appealed to those children with disabilities when we had a very high-profile visit form the Paralympic flame and children were selected to carry the torch in its journey to the Paralympic games. We spent lots of time researching the Paralympics and being inspired by those who continued to have so much motivation to compete even though they had a disability.  

Over the school year, each year group attend at least one inter school competition or festival to compete or work along-side other schools in the Gateshead area. As well as this we run regular intra-school competitions during PE and lunch times to allow children to access the more competitive side of sports. In upper KS2, children we plan a residential which is hugely sports based to allow children to access the outdoor and adventure side of the curriculum. 

Yearly, we have a very high-profile sports day which is a whole day event usually linked to a sporting event from that year (e.g. football/rugby/cricket world cup/ Olympics). We compete in a team game during the morning session linked with a cultural element of art/history/music then follow it with an opening ceremony and competitive/non-competitive athletics events in the afternoon to involve our families too. 


We believe our children are highly motivated, active individuals with a love for PE and sport. They are widely experienced in a range of sporting activities and are able to apply the skills they learn across a range of sports.  

Our children are very high achieving in sports due to a broad and in-depth curriculum that provides a ‘never give up’ attitude and gives the children the skills they need to self-evaluate through self and peer assessment. 

The use of high-level questioning in our lessons, constant talk about learning and formative and summative assessment allows teachers to see the impact and improvements that our PE curriculum is having on the children in our school. 

Our children display positive sporting values such as fairness and respect. 

Our children are very inspired by sport and chose to continue their sporting journeys outside of school often joining our link clubs as well as others in the local area.  

They are very keen to celebrate their achievements, sharing them with others at school. 


All provision for pupils with SEND is in line with the school’s SEND Policy.

Equal Opportunities

At Clover Hill Primary School, the curriculum for PE will develop enjoyment of and commitment to stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. All of our pupils have a secured entitlement to participate in the PE Curriculum and our teaching approaches ensure the avoidance of stereotyping when planning work or organising groups. All the teaching staff agree that when using reference materials, they should reflect social and cultural diversity and provide positive images of race, gender and disability.

 Curriculum Map