Clover Hill Primary School


Subject Overview

Long Term Memory

We ensure that the knowledge and skills that we teach in RE are reinforced and consolidated continuously as the children move through our school. Skills are embedded and developed with the child.

Real Life Relevance

We want our children to see the real life relevance of the work they do in RE. Reference is often made to how important appreciation and understanding of other people, their faiths and cultures is as we move through life.

Enquiry Based Learning

Enquiry, exploration and consideration of big questions underpin much of our work in RE. We have key vocabulary for each year group to support children in their exploration, enquiry and reflection.

Intent – Religious Education

We want children at Clover Hill to:

  • be equipped with the knowledge they need to understand how different people perceive their world and their place in it.
  • explore the teachings, beliefs and practices of the principal faiths in our society.
  • engage with big questions about our life in the world; our value as people; our identity and our responsibilities.
  • reflect on the challenges that are presented by living in a diverse world and to develop the skills and attitudes that enable people to live well by successfully accommodating difference.
  • be given opportunities to widen their experience, understanding and appreciation of other cultures and beliefs.
  • be tolerant, respectful knowledgeable (as ignorance can cause misunderstanding, suspicion and conflict) Our children have limited first-hand experience of different religions and so we have to work
  • hard to give them a wide range of knowledge and experience.
  • be prepared for life in modern Britain- to be global citizens for the future.
  • be respectful of other people

Intent – Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

We want children at Clover Hill to:


  • experience fascination, awe and wonder.
  • explore the values and beliefs of others.
  • understand human feelings and emotions.
  • use imagination and creativity in learning.


  • investigate moral values and ethical issues.
  • recognise right and wrong and apply this in everyday life.
  • understand the consequences of actions.


  • develop personal qualities and use social skills.
  • participate, cooperate and resolve conflict.
  • understand how communities and societies function.


  • explore, understand and respect diversity.
  • participate in and respond to cultural activities.
  • understand and appreciate personal influences.

Implementation – Religious Education

We follow the Gateshead Agreed Syllabus for RE and update our school plans when new issues are published. RE is taught as discrete lessons but also through assemblies and other areas of the curriculum – linked to literacy, history, geography, art etc.

We organise a number of educational visits in order to widen children’s experience and develop their understanding of world faiths – Sikh temple, Mosque. St Mary’s church. We also invite visitors into school to talk to and work with our children – Muslim teachers, Father Barry etc

Implementation – Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

We have a consistent approach to SMSC across all year groups. It has a high profile in all subjects and all aspects of the school. Our ethos and passion is shared throughout the school community. We promote opportunities for discussion and reflection at pertinent points within the school week and across all school activities.

Impact – Religious Education and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

Children at Clover Hill have a good understanding of a number of world faiths and are enthusiastic to develop this knowledge further. Children are curious and willing to discuss issues and ask questions to clarify their understanding and understand the views of others. Our children are respectful of each other’s differences and embrace the diversity within our school community.

Our success in developing children into spiritual, moral, social and cultural citizens is not as easy to quantify or measure as it is in other subjects but we feel that it is very evident when walking around our school and speaking to all members of the school community.


All provision for pupils with SEND is in line with the school’s SEND Policy.

Equal Opportunities

At Clover Hill Primary School, the curriculum for RE will develop enjoyment of and commitment to stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. All of our pupils have a secured entitlement to participate in the RE Curriculum and our teaching approaches ensure the avoidance of stereotyping when planning work or organising groups. All the teaching staff agree that when using reference materials, they should reflect social and cultural diversity and provide positive images of race, gender and disability.

Curriculum Map