Clover Hill Primary School

New Parents Welcome: Reception Intake September 2024

Hello and welcome to Clover Hill.  We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at our school.  We hope that this is the start of a close working partnership with your child and your family.

Mrs Gamble - our Reception class teacher - will be in touch as soon as we have received all of your contact information from Gateshead Council (within the next couple of weeks at the very latest).  However - we would like to share with you some key dates regarding your child's induction to Clover Hill.

Wednesday 5th June - 5pm.  Parent induction evening (just for the adults ideally).

Thursday 6th/Thursday 13th/Friday 14th June - Home visits.  These will be arranged via email once we have received contact details from Gateshead Council.  1 visit per child usually lasting around 30 minutes. This gives Mrs Gamble and yourself the opportunity to have a private conversation regarding your child and for them to meet their teacher within the security of their own home.

18th June - 9.30-11am.  Half of the new reception children to visit and play in Clover Hill reception class.   Parents do not stay.

19th June - 9.30-11am.  The other half of the new reception children to visit and play in Clover Hill reception class.   Parents do not stay.

25th June - 9.30-11am.  New reception class in altogether.

September 2024. 

School starts on Tuesday 3rd Sepetmber as we have an INSET planned for Monday 2nd September. 

For the first week, half of the class will attend mornings and half will attend afternoons.

The children will be in school full-time from Monday 9th September.

Please be reassured that we will be in touch very soon with more detailed information. 

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 5th June at 5pm.

Kindest regards

Ailsa Holden & Louise Hall
