Clover Hill Primary School



The aim of our History curriculum at Clover Hill is for children to develop:

  • an awareness and appreciation of the past
  • a respect and empathy for history and what has ‘come before’
  • an active interest and enthusiasm for history
  • skills to link, compare and contrast periods of time
  • an understanding of significant figures, key events and how they have shaped the world in which we live
  • a chronologically secure understanding of the periods in history and local, national and world events
  • accurate and confident use of historical terms and vocabulary
  • age appropriate questioning, enquiry and research skills
  • informed analysis and evaluation of sources using a range of evidence
  • an understanding as to the value and reliability of sources.


At Clover Hill, we prioritise converting learning into our long-term memory, providing real life relevance to learning and we utilise an enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.

Long-Term Memory

It is vital that children can convert information into their long-term memory so it is truly learnt. In History, this is particularly important with the key elements of substantive knowledge found in the subject including key dates and facts. Our curriculum is designed so that previous learning is recapped, revisited and consolidated and built on as the child moves through the school.


Real-Life Relevance

We want our children to see the real-life relevance of studying History. Studying History gives children a better understanding of the world in which we live. It allows for greater appreciation and understanding of global events currently happening around the world. In addition to this, History teaches key disciplinary knowledge that children can apply in their further education and in their later lives. Examples of this include constructing arguments (in this context historical arguments) and improving children’s analytical skills which includes conducting an investigation to answer a question and decision making.


Enquiry-Based Learning

We have designed our History Curriculum to take an enquiry-based approach. The curriculum is designed so each unit of work has an overarching ‘Big Question’ that the children answer at the end of the unit and this is used to help assess their learning. Each lesson is also framed with a question that acts as the learning intention. The other benefits of enquiry-based learning are well known. These include helping children to build a passion for the subject as well as helping to hone their analytical skills linked to the disciplinary knowledge of the subject. 

Subject Overview


All provision for pupils with SEND is in line with the school’s SEND Policy.

Equal Opportunities

At Clover Hill Primary School, the curriculum for History will develop enjoyment of and commitment to stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils irrespective of social backgrounds, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. All our pupils have a secured entitlement to participate in the History Curriculum and our teaching approaches ensure the avoidance of stereotyping when planning work or organising groups. All the teaching staff agree that when using reference materials, they should reflect social and cultural diversity and provide positive images of race, gender and disability.